

“the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” - Matthew 10:30

not counted; numbered.

Fulfilling Prophecy

Fulfilling Prophecy

“Jesus is King” is now a new phrase that’s…

swirling around in the minds & mouths of many.

Non-believers, lukewarm believers and believers:

are thinking and talking Jesus & Kanye.

Even the “church of satan” recently took time to blog and tweet about the album Kanye has been called to co-create with Christ.

Kanye is evidently being used (by the satan or The Most High) to fulfill the prophesy reiterated in Philippians 2:10, Romans 14:11 & Isaiah 45:23.


“… that at the name of Yahashua ever knee should bow, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and every tongue profess that Yahashua the Messiah is Lord — to the glory of the Father.” - Philippians 2:10 (TLV)

EVERY tongue,

whether in heaven, on earth, or in the pits of hell, will profess:

Christ is King.


“For it is written, ‘As I live, says ADONAI, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall give praise to the Lord.’” - Romans 14:11 (TLV)

Romans 14, verse 13 continues, “Therefore let us not judge one another from now on, but rather decide this — not to put a stumbling block or a trap in the way of a brother.”

Dear saints & soldiers,

choosing to continue to tear down a child of The Most High is no longer right. Please pull back if convicted by the Holy Spirit. Discernment is essential to tear down strongholds. We’re called to judge righteously based on fruits (Matthew 7:16), yet not in a manner that makes us a “stumbling block or a trap in the way of a brother” (Romans 14:13).

We’re not wrong to be sceptical of his conversion given the amount of mainstream coverage he’s been getting, the anti-christ symbolism on his album cover and the fact that the distributor of “Jesus is King” is Def Jam Recordings (owned and operated by mass music distributors Universal Music).

However, if you rely on the Holy Spirit when paying close attention to Kayne’s eyes (eyes are the window to our soul), his quieter cries for help in non-promoted tracks like ‘Hands On’, his outbursts pre- & post- album you too are likely to notice that he’s a victim in the hands of the enemy.

Revelation 2:24, warns us not to learn the ‘deep things’ of satan, but 2 Corinthians 2:11 reminds us that we cannot be outwitted by the satan since we’re not ignorant of his designs.

The enemy has mastered disturbing human testing to manipulate, track, and control behaviour, thoughts & actions of direct and indirect victim. The stars of our entertainment industry, led astray by greed for fame and fortune happen be the direct victim that the enemy uses to manipulate the rest of society (indirect victims).

Manchurian Candidate, Project MKUltra, Electroshock Therapy & Project Artichoke are unimaginably grotesque, traumatic mind and psychologically manipulative experiences that “stars” & “influencers” are subject to. Kanye’s missteps and downfalls that has him where he is could have happened to any one of us or someone we love.

We all fall short of the glory of Christ.

If you’re concerned about Kanye & about him misleading the children of The Most High, turn to prayer instead of tearing him down with thoughts and words.

Let The Orchestrator above, orchestrate.

Do you not believe that the potter has the right to do whatever He wills with His clay? In Jeremiah 18, Jeremiah is instructed to visit a potter for instructions from The Lord. Jeremiah observes that whenever the potter noticed a flaw in the clay which he was forming, he would change course and remould it into a new design.

Similarly, our Architect, Designer and Orchestrator is in control of the blueprint, design and flow of events here in His created universe.

Is Kanye not His vessel?

Let’s re-direct the effort and energy dedicated to discrediting all things Kanye to be more purposeful and answer our own calling.

Let’s not let Kanye’s surface arrogance fool us. He’s hurting. He’s in trouble. The spiritual battle he faces, given his position is much greater than what most of us have experienced and can imagine. Let’s lift up our brother in prayer.

Salvation is a life-long process.

YOUTUBE LINK LICENCE CREDIT: UMG (on behalf of Rock The World/IDJ/Kanye LP7); Anthem Entertainment (Publishing)

Cover Design:


“By Myself I have sworn — the word has gone forth from My mouth in righteousness, and is irrevocable: that to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear.” - Isaiah 45:23 (TLV)

Kanye (like you), is an essential cell in the body of Christ.

It is written, “But now there are many parts, yet ONE body. The eye cannot tell the hand, ‘I don’t need you!’ Or in turn the head to the feet, ‘I don’t need you!’ On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be less important are indispensable… If one part suffers, all the parts suffer together. If one part is honoured, all parts rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.” - 1 Corinthians 12 (TLV)

Cells of the Christ body that seem less important (because of baggage… track record… sins past, present or still left to unfold) are indispensable.


Dear Heavenly Father, Messiah and The Holy Sprit…

As prescribed in Matthew 11:33, we ask that you pluck out the rods in our eyes, so that we may in turn be used by YOU to pick out specs from the eyes of our brothers and sisters. Let your promise of salvation for all in Romans chapter 10, together with the parable of the lost sheep, lost coin and the prodigal son illustrated in Luke 15, be comforting to those of us who are still figuring it out.

We are confident that You will never let any of Your seed stray too far. The beast is deceived in thinking that he can lead us astray. You already won the victory. We know this and are willing to be still, quiet our minds, listen and respond to your call to action.

Unite and string our visions, purposes and calling into Your ONE body. Inspire us to answer Your calling to manifest the Body of Christ. In Yahashua’s name we pray. Amen.

*Google images used to convey message. Photography credits unknown. Would love to credit photographer, if known please share in comments below.

Of the Beast

Of the Beast