You have come to Mount Zion —- to the City of the LIVING GOD —- the Heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, a joyous gathering, and to the assembly of the first born who are written in a scroll in Heaven, and to God the JUDGE of All, and to the spirits of the righteous ones made perfect (through Yeshua), and to YESHUA —- the MEDIATOR of a new convenant (a new treaty/agreement), and to sprinkled blood that speaks of something better than the blood of Abel (a murdered brother).” - Hebrews 12:22-24 (TLV)
Rely on the Holy Spirit to unpack this message. Share your understanding, reflections, questions and comments as your contribution to this study along ministry.
Isn’t it interesting that the Islamic, Judaic and Christian Holy days are in-sync this year (2023).
NOTE: The first Passover (Exodus 11-12) is a historical recount narrative that illustrates how the Isralities who were enslaved by the Egyptians escaped from captivity and forced labour. God enrolled Moses as his co-worker to make it happen. Passover celebrated today remembers how as God’s children, God had designed a path for us to pass over death (a plague, turbulence, disaster) sweeping through a nation.
The second Passover marked by the resurrection of Christ (the real Passover lamb) is not really about death or avoiding death as it is about LIFE —- everlasting life. The second Passover marked by Christ millenniums ago grants us the ticket to access Citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven. Christ Passover is the passport to Heaven. Apply for yours today by giving your life to Christ. :D