“Therefore, wait for me, declares ADONAI, for the day when I rise up for plunder: for My decision is to assemble nations, to gather kingdoms, to pour out My fury upon them — all My burning anger. For in the fire of My wrath all the earth will be consumed.
For then I will restore to the people pure speech, so that all of them may call upon the Name of ADONAI and serve Him shoulder to shoulder.
From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, My worshippers, the daughter of My scattered ones will bring My offering.
On that day you will not be ashamed because of all your deeds by which you rebelled against Me. For then I will remove from your midst your proud, arrogant ones, and you will never again be haughty on My holy mountain.
But I will leave among you a people meek and humble. They will take refuge in the Name of ADONAI.
The remnant of Israel will do no injustice nor will they tell lies, nor will a deceitful tongue be found in their mouths. For they will graze and lie down and no one will make them afraid.
Sing aloud, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O Israel! Rejoice and exult wholeheartedly, O daughter of Jerusalem!
ADONAI has taken away your punishments. He has turned back your adversary. The King of Israel, ADONAI, is in your midst. Never again will you fear harm.
On that day, it will be said to Jerusalem, ‘Have no fear, O Zion, do not let your hands fall limp. ADONAI your God is in your midst — a mighty Saviour! He will delight over you with joy. He will quiet you with His love. He will dance for joy over you with singing.” - Zephaniah 3:8-17 (TLV)
The book of Zephaniah is quite short.
In the literary depiction above, the author (inspired by the Spirit) is writing from God’s perspective. He humbles himself to be able to hear the voice of The Most High…
Zephaniah’s humility and obedience in the hands of Our Potter, turns him into a fine-tuned instrument. The Most High uses Zephaniah to convey a message to His people —- Us.
The people of the past (our ancestors) and the people of now (us) are woven together by design. So, in tracing our ancestry back, we’d all meet on Noah’s ship —- the Arc. We’d then continue our journey backwards till we end up in the Garden of Eden programmed into Adam and Eve.
When Eve was, we were. When Adam was, we were also. —- Take that in.
We were already programmed and resting in the seeds of so many just to be here today. Today is special. You are special.
Think about that! Isn’t that wild?
YOU’RE GOD’S PEOPLE. we’re God’s people.
Have a good day!
Zephaniah shows how God's justice and love work together to give the world hope, purifying his people and restoring Jerusalem.” - TheBibleProject.Org [a crowd-funded animation studio out of Portland, Oregon making valuable content. Preview below. Check them out at bibleproject.org]
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